Gamma Flight’s Crystal Frasier Teases Marvel Hulk Spinoff’s Big Villain, Returning Favorite, and More (Exclusive)

This is a big one folks, as Marvel is finally getting around to that one nagging question Marvel fans have had for years: How the heck are they going to get Hulk into their Avengers movies? Marvel has an answer to that problem and it’s a big one: they’re going to turn the Hulk into a spinoff movie.

The new Marvel series “Hulk” is almost here, and if there’s one thing we can say for sure, it’s that it will be huge. We know this because the show’s executive producers are calling the shots on the series, and they’re telling us that the Hulk is going to be “damn good” in his new, ongoing series. We don’t know too much else about the Hulk, other than that he’ll be played by Mark Ruffalo, who’s already on board for the series. But what we do know is that this Hulk is a different beast than the one you’ve met before. He’s got a new, darker tone to his look, and the new Hulk is also the Hulk that has a long

There is a new team to reckon with in the Marvel universe, and this team is strong enough to fight the Hulk and stay alive to tell the story. That team is the Gamma Rays, who fans know from the pages of Immortal Hulk and who now have their own show with Al Ewing, Crystal Frazier, Lan Medina and Antonio Fabela at the helm. Gamma Flight features Bruce Banner’s allies and enemies, including Absorbing Man, Titania, Puck, Doc Sasquatch, Dr. Charlene McGowan and Rick Jones. After working with the Hulk, they were back in the running and we had the chance to talk to Fraser about what the team is up against, the casting itself, the Hulk’s place in the new series, Rick’s transformation, the implications of the Immortal Hulk and more. We also have an exclusive preview of Medina and Fabela’s big release for you, which you can find below!

They are one of the most unique teams in Marvel history, and their dedication to the other characters affected by Gamma tends to trump anything heroic or villainous as they try to recover from their personal traumas.

(Photo: Marvel)

Gamma Rays is a team made up of former heroes, former villains, and a former mad scientist from a secret government agency that tracks down the Hulk, so they’re not characters bound by common ideals like justice and heroism. They have a unique role, in this case, to look out for other Gamma boys who have been let down by the system or who are caught up in bad business, Fraser said. It gives us insight into how the characters are put together and what they want out of life. Carl (the engaging husband) and Mary (Titania) get some tender moments as a couple, and we see that Leonard Samson’s old mistakes continue to haunt him. The whole book is a look at recovery from trauma, just like Hulk Immortal’s survival story.

The series will uncover a threat that Fraser says will surprise many, but it will also give Absorbing Man more time to shine, a character who has really come into his own.

I think our villain is really going to surprise people with a whole new angle, but as far as our main characters go, I really loved Absorber Man and everything Al did with him recently in Immortal Hulk, Fraser said. He has much more depth as an anti-hero than a villain, and it’s very interesting to look inside his head and understand what he’s doing and why. I hope the fans enjoy his story as much as I do. At least he gets a lot of good lines as the simple, straightforward guy in the play; he loves telling his team full of geniuses when they’re acting like idiots, or pointing out the incredibly obvious holes in their logic.

(Photo: Marvel)

Fraser is also thrilled to be working with Titania and has enjoyed exploring her marriage to Carl throughout the series.

I went into this book not knowing much about Carl, and I came out a big fan of Absorbing Man. I was a Titania fan to begin with, so he had great character references. In this case, we get to see really beautiful moments in her marriage and some of her emotional depth at the height of the series, Fraser said. Carl has a big decision to make and I think he will surprise many with his depth. Plus, he finally gets a beautiful engagement ring from his wife!

Anyone who has read Immortal Hulk knows that things are not going well for Rick Jones, who recently underwent a rather drastic transformation. In the beginning of the book Rick is having a very hard time, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

(Photo: Marvel)

Poor Rick. He’s gone through more transformations than Jean Grey. According to Fraser, he struggles in the beginning of the book: He physically merged with Del Fry, another gamma mutant who did not play a major role in Immortal Hulk. This book tells the story of these two people who accept their new condition, learn to work together and overcome their frustrations. Like Carl, I think we’ll get a glimpse of Rick’s heart by the end of the series. Al is a big fan of Rick and really cared about him.

The reason Gamma Raees is in this mess is because of the Hulk, and even though he’s not here, Hulk fans won’t be disappointed and they’ll get the character they’ve been dreaming of.

The Hulk has his own book to finish while Gamma Flight is in progress; it’s a book that’s more about the mess the big guy left behind than it is about the Hulk himself. Mr. Fraser stated that the team is focused on fixing things piece by piece, and the fact that nothing can be fixed does not mean that nothing can be improved if needed. But we’ll have plenty of other Hulk-related characters to keep fans happy, including at least one that people have wanted to see for a while.

(Photo: Marvel)

So if you have such a strong team, who are you going to hire to track them down? In this case, it’s Hammer Industries. They’re sponsoring a new Hulkbuster division – with all the efficiency that entails. But we both know they are not the real antagonists in this book, Fraser said. Gamma Flight is not so much about the team’s escape, but about dealing with the other after-effects of the Hulk’s recent adventures, and their personal damage. The fact that they are wanted becomes the catalyst that brings them together.

Fans will be able to see what Gamma Flight does when Gamma Flight #1 comes out on the 23rd. June is coming to the comic shops.

Are you looking forward to Gamma Flight #1? Let us know what you think or, as always, you can talk to me about anything on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!

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