Government buildings to fly union flag every day ‘to unite nation’

Under the new leadership, the Union flag will fly daily on British government buildings.
(Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

The Union Flag was to fly daily on British government buildings to unite the nation.

At the moment, for example, flags must be hung only on certain days. B. on the queen’s birthday.

But the new leadership of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport will demand that it be permanently exhibited in England, Scotland and Wales.

Culture Minister Oliver Dowden described the flag as a proud reminder of our history and the ties that bind us.

You can also make a double flag by moving it – then two flags can fly on the same mast.

This does not apply to buildings in Northern Ireland, where flying the Union flag is covered by separate legislation.

Mr Dowden said: The Union Flag unites us as a nation and people rightly expect it to fly on British government buildings.

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This leadership will ensure that this happens every day unless another flag is raised as a proud reminder of our history and the ties that bind us.

The timing of this move appears to be part of the government’s ongoing efforts to associate itself with a more open nationalism based on a unionist approach.

The issue escalated into a dispute last week after breakfast presenter Charlie Stait was criticised for joking about the size of the Union flag behind Communities Minister Robert Jenrick during a TV interview.

The channel said it had received complaints from people unhappy with State’s comments and the subsequent behaviour of his co-host Naga Munchetti on social media.

Last week, the flag caused controversy (Photo: AFP).

Munchetti had to apologise for liking the tweets, which she said she found offensive the use of the British flag as a backdrop in an interview with the government.

It was confirmed yesterday that both moderators had been approached and made aware of their responsibilities.

Mr Jenrick has written to all local councils in England to encourage them to fly the flag on their buildings.

People rightly expect the Union flag to fly high on municipal and government buildings across the country as a sign of our local and national identity, he said.

Well, many of them already do and don’t need this condescending tirade. Clearly, we are a free country and we fly our flag when we want to, not when the government and confused politicians tell us to.

– Anna Soubry (@Anna_Soubry) 24. March 2021

But some opposition politicians have criticised the measure, which has also been mocked on social media.

Former Conservative MP Anna Soubry described Mr Jenrick’s letter as condescending gibberish.

Mhairi Black, of the SNP, said: If the Conservatives think that overloading the buildings with the Union Jack is the answer to the question of the strength of the Union, it shows how thin the argument for the Union is.

Flags will not erase the poverty and deprivation that the Conservatives have caused over the last decade.

Welsh Minister Simon Hart said: I think the Union flag is an iconic sign.

I don’t think we should use it for political purposes.

I think it would be strange to try to make it a political focus.

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