Multiple Republicans considering supporting impeachment, sources say

Two Republican congressmen, former allies of Trump, told CNN they would support the impeachment of the president for his role in Wednesday’s deadly attack on the American Capitol if the stories were true. A member said: I think you’re gonna get the GOP members to vote for impeachment.

As the window for an impeachment vote and trial narrows for the end of Trump term, one GOP legislator said the process could proceed quickly.

We survived the attack, the honor said. Member. We don’t need to hear what happened for long.

Democrats in the House of Representatives are currently planning to indict Mr Trump as early as Monday, according to several sources familiar with the subject. This could lead to a vote in the House of Representatives next week. The President of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has not explicitly indicated when this will happen. In a meeting with members of the House of Representatives on Friday, the Californian Democrat made it clear that the Democratic Party in the House of Representatives gives more support to Trump’s removal than it does now in 2019.

By incriminating and removing Trump, even at this late stage of his term, the Senate could later vote to disqualify him from a new federal office.

Several Republican lawmakers on the Hill have told CNN that the trump card has been played out and they hope he will resign before his term expires, either by resigning or by being removed under the 25th Amendment. Constitutional change, or a conviction for a prosecutor. On Friday, Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski became the first Republican in Congress to call for Trump’s resignation, according to the Anchorage Daily News: I want him to quit. I want him to leave. He’s done enough damage already.

Fault! The file name is not specified.

Republican Adam Kinzinger of Illinois supported the reference to the 25th amendment. Constitutional change. Republican Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska said in a radio interview on Friday that he would consider an indictment, although he doubts that this is a reasonable course of action.

In addition, retired General John Kelly, former Trump Chief of Staff, told CNN’s Jake Tapper on Thursday that he would vote to keep Trump under the 25th amendment. Amendment to be deleted while it is still in the Cabinet.

All this shows how much the momentum has changed for many Republicans since Trump incited his supporters to storm Capitol Hill on Wednesday. No Republican member of the House of Representatives voted for Trump’s deposition in December 2019, and only one GOP senator, Mitt Romney of Utah, voted for deposition a month later.

After years of admitting or accepting the trump card, Republicans are angry at the president for encouraging riots that put them in personal physical danger.

He sent the crowd to Capitol Hill, where we fulfilled our constitutional duty to count the votes and declared him the loser of the election, a Republican legislator said.

From a democratic point of view, the indictment would force the Republicans to vote for Trump’s stock. If successful, Mr. Trump would be the first president in history to be accused twice. Democratic leaders also believe this would allow Joe Biden to pursue his program without facing calls from angry Democrats demanding retribution against Trump.

President-elect Biden doesn’t want to open a case to accuse Trump, people told CNN in full knowledge of the facts.

What Congress decides is a decision, Biden said Friday.

Numerous Republican sources told CNN that they were trying to keep Mr Trump low profile in the last days of his term. Speaking of invoking the 25th Amendment… The constitutional amendment and a litany of resignations from his administration, the impeachment procedure, are a useful pressure point. It would also give Republicans in the House of Representatives who want to distance themselves from Trump and Republicans who feel the need to show solidarity with Trump the opportunity to do so.

But other Republicans argue that the impeachment is unrealistic, given the short time before Biden’s term begins. Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri, a member of the GOP leadership, told 41 Action News in his home state that there would be no more charges against Trump.

There’s no question of incriminating the president. We don’t have time for that, Blunt said.

Jeff Zeleny, Lauren Fox, Manu Raju and Ali Zaslav contributed to this story.

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