The Cost of Climate Indulgences

At the following address:




January 31, 2021, 5:39 p.m. Eastern Time.


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Here’s a story straight from Portlandia. In the name of improving air quality and fighting climate change, the city of Rose is considering sanctions that could bankrupt a recycling company and eliminate union jobs.

Last year, Portland declared a climate emergency and the City Council voted to achieve a net zero carbon emissions by 2050. To achieve this goal, which will have no climate impact, Portland’s Office of Planning and Sustainability wants to collect about $11 million in annual royalties from the city’s facilities. Facilities considered “major stationary sources of air pollution” would pay an annual surcharge of up to $40,000. Portland would also impose a per-ton levy on any facility that emits more than 2,500 tons of C02 per year.

The carbon tax would particularly affect Portland.


The glass container plant, which recycles all glass bottles in the state and processes an average of 440,000 beer bottles a day. If the City Council approves the proposal, the plant would pay about $1.1 million a year, more than any other plant in Portland except Evraz Steelworks, Willamette Week reported. The recycling company pays $1.6 million in income, property and property taxes.

The Steelworkers Local 330 represents a portion of the plant’s 115 employees, and the Steelworkers Local 330 president is the Steelworkers Local 330 president.

Bob Tuckett.

He says he has “a lot of concerns” about the consequences. “These jobs were green before it became popular to be green,” and they come with high wages and good benefits, “so it’s hard for me to think of why we’re trying to push these jobs away or punish them.

In a letter to Portland’s Office of Planning and Sustainability, Owens-Brockway expressed “grave concern” and warned that the taxes “could destroy individual businesses.”

Jules Bailey.

The Oregon Beverage Recycling Cooperative says the state’s glass bottles will end up in landfills or shipped overseas when the plant closes.

The contradictions of progressive climate policy are increasingly numerous, but one constant prevails: Costs are borne by workers and consumers in exchange for climate hostility.

Christine Llobregat,

a spokeswoman for Portland’s Office of Planning and Sustainability, said the city is “fully committed to maximizing recycling rates” and that it will “continue to pay attention to concerns,” including the Owens-Brockway facility, “as we continue to refine the proposal. The best solution for the City Council would be to abandon this bad idea.

Editorial: Best and Worst Week by Ellicia Finley, Kyle Peterson, Mary O’Grady and Dan Henninger. Image: Getty Images Composite: Mark Kelly

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Appears in print on February 1, 2021.

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