What is being born in you? by Rev. Elizabeth Rowley •

Rev. Elizabeth Rowley is a freelance columnist for The and Paso Robles Press; you can email her at [email protected].

By the time this article is published, it will be Maundy Thursday, a Christian holiday that falls on the Thursday evening before Easter Sunday. On that day, Jesus celebrated the Passover with a meal known as the Last Supper. Then Jesus washed the feet of his apostles and gave his first commandment, known as the Great Commandment: Love one another as I have loved you. Washing the feet of His apostles was an unprecedented act of humility.

As Easter Sunday approaches, a time of resurrection, renewal, and bright beginnings, I invite you to consider what is being born in you?

In March, the Central Coast Center for Spiritual Living focused on how we can remain open to a higher vision of Spirit in our lives through the process of visualization. When we receive a direct revelation of the Spirit as an impression of the Spirit in our mind and heart, the way opens up for us. The path is paved, it guides our steps to a future version of ourselves.

Once the vision is activated in our lives, we can align with it and allow the next steps to occur with ease and grace.

We realize that there are ways of being, misconceptions or belief systems that no longer serve us, that need to be resolved so that we can grow and become more ourselves. The seed sown below ground develops into a shoot with leaves and sprouts above ground. When the roots, stems and leaves of the plant develop, the seed tissue is no longer needed. It releases sperm. Similarly, in our becoming, we discard what no longer supports us on our journey.

We now look to the Spirit for what we should accept or welcome into our lives with great enthusiasm. And what should we implement? By asking this question, the Universe is asking you for an answer and giving you the means to integrate the divine qualities necessary for your growth and development.

We also ask the question: Who must I become so that the Spirit’s highest representation of me can be manifested in my life? How do I develop so that it becomes second nature to me? An example for me is movement. I have a training routine that I have built up over twenty years, to the point where it is as necessary as eating, drinking and sleeping. It’s a personal commitment. The final step is dedication.

Life in question: What is the ultimate idea the mind has of itself and of its life? Let go of what no longer serves you and unfold this vision. Embrace, embody and become those qualities, attitudes and ways of being that serve the highest representation of Spirit in your life. Commitment to the vision.

When you commit to your vision, you guarantee personal transformation.

I’ll leave you with a question: What was born in you?

And it is.


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