What Was That About Voter Suppression?

The Georgia governor’s race between Democrat Stacey Abrams and Republican Brian Kemp attracted national attention when it became the most expensive gubernatorial race in American history. However, despite the record-breaking $85.5 million being spent on TV ads, the race is still too close to call. What’s more, many voters are reporting that they were not allowed to vote, even though they were registered properly, because of new “voter suppression” laws.

In the weeks leading up to the election, critics of the Georgia Secretary of State’s office said it was suppressing the minority vote by removing thousands of registered voters from the rolls.  However, a report by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, found that the number of voters removed from the rolls for not voting in the prior four years was roughly the same as in the 2008 and 2010 elections. As the report pointed out, people die, move, and lose interest, and it is up to the county registrars to update those names. It is the job of the registered voters, however, to keep their information updated with the county and the state by filing a change of address form or by voting at least once every two years.

guards hold at 15. The march held a meeting in Atlanta.


John Arthur Brown/Zuma Press

We have classic voter suppression, says

Kamala Harris.

last fall, and Democrats are still making accusations. However, new census data shows that these claims are as unfounded as last year’s figures.

Donald Trump

that the election was stolen.

Census data released Thursday showed that turnout in 2020 reached a near-historic level for presidential elections: 66.8 percent of citizens of voting age voted, 0.9 percentage point lower than in 1992.

Turnout was 5.4 percentage points higher than in 2016 and 3.2 percentage points higher than in 2008, when.

Barack Obama

brought dozens of young people and minorities to the polls. The proportion of Hispanics (53.7%) and Asians (59.7%) of voting age also reached new heights. The number of black voters (62.6 percent) has been higher in every presidential year except 2008 and 2012.

Interestingly, minority turnout was not significantly lower in GOP states with stricter voting rules. Black turnout was highest in Maryland (75.3 percent), followed by Mississippi (72.8 percent), and lowest in Massachusetts (36.4 percent). Liberals have condemned Georgia for purging voters and restricting access to the ballot box. But in Georgia, the difference in votes between blacks and whites was smaller than in Illinois, New Jersey, Virginia and California – all states controlled by Democrats.

States with the largest black-white vote difference? Massachusetts, Oregon, Wisconsin, Iowa and Colorado. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, three of them allow same-day voter registration (Wisconsin, Iowa and Colorado). Good luck trying to find a connection between election rules, party control and minority participation.

Perhaps no state has done more to facilitate voting than California. It allows for same-day registration, withdrawal of the ballot and voting outside the polling station. Arizona does not allow any of these practices. Still, turnout was higher in all minority groups and the gap in votes with whites was smaller than in California.

This year, the Supreme Court heard a case brought by Democrats against Arizona’s ban on collecting ballots and voting outside polling places. The Democrats have argued, without substantiation, that Arizona’s rules disproportionately affect minorities and violate Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. The 2020 election shows otherwise.

The Democrats also argue that the Supreme Court has emboldened voter suppression by striking down a provision in the Voting Rights Act that allowed the Justice Department to block voting rights changes in states with a history of discrimination. However, high minority turnout in states like Georgia and Mississippi supports the Court’s decision that the rule is outdated.

The Democrats know their complaints are false, but they keep repeating them to rile up apathetic voters. Top reasons Americans didn’t vote last fall: Not interested (17.6%), don’t like candidates/election issues (14.5%), too busy/incompatible with schedule (13.1%), and forgotten (13%). Few mentioned inconvenient polling stations (2.6%) or registration problems (4.9%). There were few differences between the racial groups.

Many factors, including the candidates, one’s political and civic involvement, and education, are more important factors in getting out to vote than the ease of voting. The cynicism fostered by politicians of both parties can also frustrate potential voters. The good news is that most voters don’t see voter suppression, and their turnout proves it.

Newspaper article: There is much to be said about the state’s election laws. Images : AFP/Reuters/Getty Images Compilation: Mark Kelly

Copyright ©2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8

Appeared in print at 4. May 2021.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What did the Voting Rights Act of 1975 do?

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson on August 6, 1965. This act was passed in response to the Civil Rights Movement that was taking place at the time. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was the most extensive voting rights legislation ever passed in the United States, and it outlawed most of the discriminatory voting rules that had been in effect in parts of the country since the late 19th century. The Voting Rights Act of 1975 put an end to discriminatory voting practices that had prevented African Americans from voting. While the Civil Rights Act of 1964 made it illegal for public officials to perpetuate discrimination, it did not address the issue of discriminatory voting practices. The Voting Rights Act of 1975 addressed that issue. It is credited with giving minorities and other disenfranchised groups the ability to vote and to run for public office.

What is a blocking vote called?

When a legislator casts a vote that prevents a bill from passing, it’s called a “blocking vote.” Blocking votes usually occur because a bill conflicts with a legislator’s beliefs, takes away funding or power from a legislator’s district, or is seen as a waste of time or resources. Blocking votes are common in the U.S. House of Representatives, since its 435 members represent so many people. The process of casting a blocking vote can be more than a little contentious. (See: “Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised Standard,” a book that lays out the order and process of voting in the House, including blocking votes.) Similarly, a “blocking” vote is used when a board member is against the majority of the votes. A blocking vote is a vote that is used to stop another vote after it has already been passed. This type of vote is typically used when there are a small number of board members, or when board members have equal voting powers.

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