Cuomo Needs A New Excuse

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo at a press conference Wednesday.


Ron Adar/Zuma Press

Politicians and media experts often attribute New York’s population density to the highest per capita mortality rates in New Jersey and New York City. Now they have to explain the slow pace of the vaccination.

About two out of every 1,000 people in New York and New Jersey died of covidemia this year, about twice as many as in Florida and Texas. By severely restricting individual freedom, but not prioritising the protection of the elderly, New Jersey’s government, Phil Murphy, became famous for having the highest per capita mortality rate and the highest unemployment rate in the country.

Remarkably, New Jersey’s unemployment rate even exceeds the pain of states like Hawaii and Nevada, which are heavily dependent on the hospitality and tourism industry. Unemployment in New Jersey is also much higher than in Florida. Across the Hudson River, across the Garden State, statistics in New York are almost as bad as those in New Jersey. It could be the densely populated urban area.

It could be assumed that population density would help rather than hinder the vaccination campaign, but according to the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, New Jersey and New York have struck a balance.

The vaccination effort has only recently begun, and reports of a delay during the holidays could cloud the issue. But so far West Virginia is the national leader in Covida vaccination. Perhaps Mr. Murphy and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D.) can learn from the example of Mountain State.

WAJR radio report from Morgantown:

Officials now report that the first round of the two-component vaccine KOVID-19 has been administered in all 214 old people’s homes and institutions for long-term care. The event was coordinated by the West Virginia Board of Pharmacy, the Director of Professional Regulation, and AVC Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Krista Kaepert. In an interview with MetroNews Talkline, Capehart said it’s a monumental task, but one that the state’s medical community is ready to carry out. It took a huge amount of teamwork to set up the infrastructure and structure to do this, West Virginia is truly a tight community. In the West Virginia model, the waiting time of two weeks after approval was used to activate and prepare the network of people to do the work before some states even started the process.

The Bluefield Daily Telegraph has more good news. The 19th. In January, all primary and secondary school students can return to school five days a week, reports Charles Boothe, who beats a press conference of the Jim Justice (R., W.Va.) government:

We need to get our children back to school, he said, adding that students are safer in schools because the speed of transfer of COVID among students is extremely low, especially among those under the age of 15. Justice says e-learning has been tested and is not working…. Research shows that it is safe to return to the full-time school model for parents who choose this option for their children, said Burch (State Inspector of Clayton Schools). We also know that students suffer from a lack of personalized learning…. The social and emotional well-being of the students suffers, and a third of our students have received unsatisfactory grades on at least one important subject. We just need to get our students back to school, personally…. There is no substitute for a personal conversation with the students. He added that it is safe for them to be at school if the main containment strategies are followed, and that much more is known about the virus today than at the beginning of the pandemic. M. Burch said that the judiciary understands that the data on safety at school is indisputable, referring to studies carried out both nationally and in other countries.

Compared to New Jersey and New York, the rule in West Virginia seems almost heavenly.


Mr. Freeman is Price’s co-author: Trump, China and the American Renaissance.


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(Teresa Wozzo helps set up Best of the Web.) Thanks to Tony Lima, Alan Brown and all readers of this column for taking advantage of this terrible year.)


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