California-Arizona State game in jeopardy with several Golden Bears still in quarantine

A soccer game between California and Arizona on Saturday threatens to be canceled because several Golden Bear players remain in quarantine due to a contact sought in connection with a positive KOVID 19 case listed by the State of California.

This would have been Cal’s second direct cancellation after canceling the game in Washington last week, but there was some optimism in this week’s schedule as the Berkeley Department of Health will release several members of the quarantine team to continue contacts after a further review of bear exercise protocols.

However, on Tuesday night, the city spokesman told ESPN that this would not happen.


Last week the university was informed of the end of the isolation period and the date when contacts will end quarantine, according to Mattai Chakko, a city spokesman. The panel should use this information as a timetable for the return of these people to the field. There is no other direction planned from the city.

Player Bear was tested early last week. Cal’s entire defensive line is under quarantine and there are no plans to leave the 14-day period for those who have to leave before the 17th day. Sources told ESPN that on 11 November they were in close contact with a positive case of KOVID 19 to be released.

Chakko said players have remained in quarantine to test KOVID-19 with negative results, but these negative tests prevent a player from leaving quarantine because of a 14-day incubation of the virus.

The cancellation policy of Pac 12 has set a minimum threshold above which teams eligible to play as grantees may play as foursomes, although this allows the team to choose a match below the minimum threshold.

Last week, Cal’s coach Justin Wilcox said the team couldn’t play without a forward section.

On Tuesday, Wilcox said sports policy and Cal University told him he would check the situation on Wednesday.

I was told there was a chance we could play, Wilcox said.

What Wilcox still doesn’t understand is why so many of his team members have been quarantined, despite the following practices and meeting notes not identifying close contacts as such.

I don’t know why they have to make a decision, Mr. Wilcox. We’re trying to be clear, but this isn’t the kind of discussion I’m involved in.

The regular season with six games for the Pac-12 gives Cal the potential to lose a third of the season due to an asymptomatic case. Faced with this reality, Mr Wilcox was asked on Tuesday whether the programme was considering moving to another location, presumably to find less strict rules for contact tracing.

You’ll have to ask the administration. I wouldn’t make that decision, Wilcox. The football program will do everything, whether it’s training reports, everything you have to do to play, but the decision is up to the sports administration and the university. We recognize the importance of the virus. She’s not downplaying the virus.

We want to know how we can do better if we don’t. Clearly, we don’t want to spread that in society. We want to be good neighbors and members of the community. We’re just looking for feedback on how we can do better. There are people in quarantine who don’t know why they’re in quarantine.

On Monday, Washington coach Jimmy Lake said he didn’t believe that if the roles had changed, his team would have been subject to the same quarantine officials as the city of Berkeley.

From the details I’ve heard about what happened there, that’s not going to happen here at the University of Washington, Lake said. Our team of medical advisors has done an incredible amount of work and our medical team takes care of following up the contacts and all the protocols we follow. The situation that just happened there, here at the University of Washington, won’t happen.

Kal-Washington’s loss was one of two Pac-12 games that had to be cancelled during the long-awaited weekend conference, such as Utah’s game against Arizona, which was cancelled because Utah didn’t have 53 scholarship receivers for that game. Utah coach Kyle Whittingham said the team passed the minimum threshold for competition on Monday, but to play at UCLA on Saturday, the team would have to speed up for a week.

Cal’s inability to play by tracing contacts raises questions about the impact of the daily Pac-12 testing program.

A press release announcing the Pac-12 contract with Quidel Corp. to introduce daily tests for all athletes states that the tests will also significantly reduce the number of contact strips required and the degree of contact tracing, in an effort to alleviate some of the burden on local health authorities by eliminating or significantly reducing the spread of infection in athletics.

This issue also reminds us that any return to competition depends on the mandatory consent of health professionals.

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