Pelicans Coach Stan Van Gundy On Playing The National Anthem At Sporting Events: “What Good Reason Is There To Play The Anthem Before A Game?”

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Mark Cuban, owner of the Mavericks, made a bold decision and removed the “Star Banner” from his team’s pre-game rituals. At the time, the Mavs had no intention of bringing it back, and arguments were made that it was felt to not represent them well.

In response to this controversial decision, the NBA issued a statement essentially requiring all its teams to play the national anthem and forcing the Cubans to change course.

Although this particular situation is now behind us, the topic will be a topic of conversation for a long time to come. After the Cuban decision, which was universally applauded and criticized, fans from all corners began to discuss why the national anthem is played at sporting events and whether or not it should be a question for every team in the future.

The last to join the conversation was Pelican coach Stan Van Gundy, who made himself known for his comments on the subject:

If you think the national anthem should be played for sporting events, do it for every movie, every concert, every religious service, and the beginning of every workday in every company. What is the point of playing the national anthem before a game?

It should be done everywhere. If you think the anthem should be played for sporting events, do it for every movie, every concert, every religious service, and the start of every workday in every company. What is a good reason to play the national anthem before a game?

– Stan Van Gundy (@realStanVG) February 10, 2021

Needless to say, it has provoked mixed reactions.

Very weak tweet, Stan. He played 100 years for sports.

– Julian (@JulianCarracino) February 10, 2021

We sang the Pledge of Allegiance every day before school. I don’t understand why the national anthem has to be so controversial? Nowadays people only want something to whine about.

– Hornsfan722 (@hornsfan722) February 10, 2021

Folk songs and military honors have nothing to do with sports. That’s what you see in North Korea and countries like that.

– Steve (@stevenehring) February 10, 2021

After 26 years of service I can tell you that it happens at the base/post office and in the camps, wherever you serve, and even as a kid I wondered why we do this, don’t we serve enough…. 🤷🏽‍♂️ With a billionaire on the rise this will definitely be a big step for the movement!

– Tampson’s son… Inspired by the brewing chain! 😷 (@thampson_son) February 10, 2021

I am a patriot, but I do not have to take or sing the Pledge of Allegiance. If I were to accept public office, I would take the entire oath.

Besides, not everyone is an American player or not.

Can you make an instrument for my country to cover us and Canada ? God save the Queen…

– JM Casper (@metrbocker) February 10, 2021

That’s a strange argument. It’s traditionally played for sporting events, not movies and such. It wasn’t controversial until recently. Some people have been brainwashed to hate their country, so they don’t want to do it anymore.

– Jake Irish (@SwaggerVol) February 10, 2021

Showing the freedom we have in this country and honoring those who fought for it is the best chance to make a group of people disrespect that freedom. When those are taken away, it is easier to forget the freedoms we have, and easier to take them away.

– Mike Richards (@richards_mike) February 10, 2021

The national anthem has always been a way for fans to show their patriotism and love for their country, and for teams to show their gratitude and respect.

For others, of course, it is merely a reminder of the injustices being committed throughout the country.

No matter how you look at it, this could be a long-term problem for the NBA and other professional leagues.

  • 18 in total.
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