Putin Says the U.S. Wants to Hold Back Russia’s Development

The Russian president has confirmed that his country is fully committed to developing nuclear weapons following the US withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) . In an interview with Russian state news agency RIA Novosti in his native St. Petersburg, Vladimir Putin said that Russia had no intention of giving up its program, but that the US had decided not to join the treaty now because it had no intention of abiding by its terms.

I was at the Trump-Putin press conference today where the president-elect took the Russian president to task for his country’s alleged hacking of the U.S. election, and then questioned his own intelligence agency’s findings. The two leaders spoke for over an hour, and it was the second time they’d spoken. In response to Trump’s allegations that Russia no longer posed a threat to the U.S., Putin said that our military advancements around Russia are not to be taken lightly.

President Donald Trump recently complained that Russia has become an obstacle to U.S. security, saying that Russia has been “supporting Assad” in Syria, “providing weapons” to Iran and other countries, and “pushing very hard to have peace in Syria, but it’s very difficult.”

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia – The President of Russia Vladimir Putin said he would seek to improve strained relations with the United States at an upcoming summit with the president. Biden and accused Washington of trying to stifle Russia’s development. We have no disagreement with the United States, we have only one disagreement: their desire to stifle our development, Putin said Friday at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Russia’s main investment event. We must try to find ways to resolve the relationship between the United States and Russia. Which is scheduled for the 16th. The face-to-face meeting between the two leaders, which will take place in Geneva in June, takes place against the backdrop of rising tensions between Russia and the United States. Since taking office, Biden has imposed sweeping new sanctions on Moscow for alleged violations, including interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, a cyber attack on U.S. government and corporate computer networks, and an alleged Kremlin attempt to assassinate an opposition leader. Alexei Navalny by poisoning him last year – accusations Moscow denies. Putin said US-Russia relations have become a hostage to US domestic politics, and US sanctions against Russia remain largely secret. The Russian leader expressed hope that one day the influence of US domestic politics on bilateral relations will cease, as the fundamental interests of both countries in security, strategic stability and reduction of weapons dangerous to the whole world are even more important. Biden and Putin are expected to discuss a range of topics, including nuclear weapons, climate change and alleged Russian attempts to interfere in foreign elections, which Moscow denies. In an interview with state television after his speech at the forum, Putin described Biden as a highly experienced man who has been in politics his entire life. I sincerely hope that our meeting will go in a positive direction, Putin said. But, he said, I don’t expect a breakthrough in U.S.-Russian relations, nothing that will surprise us with the results. The White House said Biden would use the meeting to underscore U.S. support for Ukrainian sovereignty as Russian troops mount on the border of the tiny neighbor, which the West sees as a bulwark against Russia. The military buildup has reached a level not seen since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula in 2014. In April, Moscow said it had begun withdrawing its troops, but Ukrainian and Western officials said most troops remained on the ground. Clashes between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists continued even after Moscow’s large-scale military maneuvers on the border. Georgi Kanchev of the WSJ is on the front lines of a conflict that is seen as a test for the Biden administration. Photo: Anastasia Vlasova for The Wall Street Journal The director of the FBI Christopher Wray said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal that Russia is home to many known ransomware users. U.S. authorities are blaming this week’s attack on… JBS SA, the world’s largest meat company by revenue, into an extortionate criminal gang in Russia. On Friday, Putin denied the allegations. It’s just ridiculous, he said in his television interview. There are those who are trying to provoke new conflicts before our meeting with Biden, he said. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. said Friday that Biden expects to discuss Ukraine, cybersecurity – including recent ransomware attacks – and other important topics in his conversation with Putin. I don’t think this meeting is meant to be an opportunity to solve every problem in our relationship, she told reporters at the White House. The Biden administration said the president would also express concern about the recent refusal of a Ryanair flight through Belarus, where authorities arrested a young activist as the plane landed in Minsk, and about Russia’s support for its leader, Alexander Lukashenko. On Friday, Putin declined to comment on the incident on the plane, saying he did not want to judge the political processes in Belarus. Putin also informed the forum that Russia had finished building the first stretch of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to Germany. The second line of the project has not yet been completed, and Russian officials hope to finish the project this year, despite opposition from Washington and Brussels. U.S. and European officials have repeatedly said the project would strengthen Moscow’s influence in Europe and weaken Ukraine, which has another gas transportation network on its territory.


Receive a coronavirus newsletter six days a week and a weekly health newsletter when the crisis is over: Sign up here. This is a purely economic and commercial project, Putin said. We’ve talked about this hundreds of times, and the propaganda continues to make people lose their minds. On Friday, the Kremlin chief said Russia could drop the dollar for energy trade with Europe and use the euro instead, another possible step to move the Russian economy away from the dollar. His comments come a day after Russia’s finance ministry announced it would completely cut dollars from its $186 billion sovereign wealth fund. The United States uses the dollar as an instrument of competition and political rivalry, which undermines its role as a global reserve currency, Putin said. The Russian president used his speech at the forum to ask his government to prepare a way for foreigners to pay for vaccination in Russia against Covid-19, expanding the Kremlin’s efforts to promote vaccine diplomacy. word-image-7261

A woman received the Covid-19 vaccine on 31. May at a centre near Moscow.

Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin/Zuma Press Putin condemned what he called politically motivated discrimination by other governments against the Russian vaccine. When Sputnik V was approved in Russia in August, it was criticized by Western officials and scientists for its hasty development and initial lack of large-scale clinical trials. The vaccine has not yet been approved by the European Union’s medicines regulatory authority or the World Health Organization, which are still reviewing it. He also called for further government support for the Russian economy, including loans for small and medium-sized enterprises, support for families and low-interest loans that regional authorities can use to improve their infrastructure. Russia’s economy shrank by 3% in 2020, the worst recession in more than a decade. According to the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, small businesses have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic this year, with 60% of them suffering a devastating blow, compared to a third of large companies. With parliamentary elections scheduled for late 2021, Putin is trying to retain the support of Russians whose real disposable income has fallen in recent years and whose standard of living has declined. -Andrew Restuccia contributed to this article. Write to Georgi Kantchev at [email protected] and to Ann M. Simmons at [email protected]. Copyright ©2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8Don’t get mad, get even. That’s the message President Vladimir Putin is sending the United States as he pushes for Russia to be included in the latest version of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank. On Wednesday, the Russian leader said the U.S. is trying to “hold back” the country’s development by not inviting it to join the institutions. Putin says the U.S. is using the IMF to pick economic winners and losers.. Read more about russia – vaccination rate and let us know what you think.

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