6 Basic First Aid Skills You Should Know

There are certain things you should know how to do in an emergency. You cannot control what happens in an emergency, but you can still be prepared for it. That’s why you should take time and learn basic first aid skills. You may never have to use these skills, but being prepared is always good.

Conscious First Aid

If you find someone who is unconscious, check to see if they are breathing and check their airway. Look at the mouth and nose for obstructions. If there is no obstruction, look for any other cause of respiratory distress (a choking victim will breathe deeply with their mouth open). If everything looks fine, you can assume that the person is unconscious.

If the patient’s airway is clear but still appears to be unresponsive or not breathing, try to rouse them by calling out their name. If this does not work, place one hand under their neck and tilt back slightly, so pillows are beneath the head. Then firmly press down two inches above where your fingers meet to feel for a pulse at the carotid artery. This should be done every minute until help arrives or circulation returns on its own.


CPR is a technique used to help people who have stopped breathing or have no pulse. It involves chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (also known as mouth-to-mouth or M2M).

CPR should be performed if you see someone whose heart has stopped beating, even if they’re not showing any signs of breathing. The person might still be alive, but their organs will begin to shut down without circulation. If you see them lying on the ground or floor, it’s probably too late for CPR to help them. They need immediate medical attention from an ambulance crew.

Staying Safe

This may seem like an obvious point, but it’s important to understand how the things you do can put you at risk of harm. While no one can predict what will happen in life, some things are more likely than others.

You may think that avoiding these risks seems easy enough. But when they come up unexpectedly, they can be difficult to avoid and even harder to deal with afterward. It will help if you visit Brisbane Doctors for more tips on making sure developing a panic attack doesn’t stop you from helping yourself.


Put pressure bandages on as soon as possible after an injury occurs. If possible, remove any clothing that might get in the way before applying it. This will allow you better access while applying pressure. Press firmly onto all sides until bleeding stops. Change dressing if necessary every 5 minutes (or sooner if it becomes soaked through).”


The first thing to do is the Heimlich maneuver, standing behind a choking person and wrapping your arms around their waist. You place one hand on their abdomen below their ribcage and use the other hand to deliver sharp blows to their upper abdomen quickly. Repeat this until you see signs of relief (such as coughing or vomiting) or until the object comes out of their mouth.

If the person has lost consciousness, don’t try to do any abdominal thrusts. Instead, try to remove any visible foreign objects from the airway using your fingers. If you cannot remove an object with your hands, use a pen or pencil instead; hold it between two fingers and use it like a pair of tweezers.

Burn Care

If you’ve ever burned yourself on a stove or been scalded by hot water, you know how painful burns can be. It’s important to know how to treat burns and what kind of medical attention they need.

First, cool the area with running water for at least 10 minutes if it is a serious burn and feels hot or looks red, swollen or blistered (the skin has separated from the tissue below). Call 911 right away as these burns need medical attention immediately for minor burns that don’t require immediate medical attention.


First aid is an extremely important life skill to learn. It is useful in emergencies and helps people feel more confident in helping others. Knowing what to do if someone loses consciousness due to illness or injury could mean the difference between life and death.


Elizabeth is a renowned leader in the space of Health and Mental Wellness topics. Her work has appeared on more than a dozen influential sites and blogs. Her articles both focus on providing valuable information and an entertaining read that her readers enjoy. More about her work on – ELIZABETHMARKS.me

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