Buckeyes’ Ryan Day believes Big Ten was unfair to stop Husker vs Chattanooga

Looks like the Nebraska Haskers can’t take a break. The Haskers made several controversial calls in their opening day losing to Ohio State. Linebacker Nebrasky, Deontay Williams, was eliminated from the game because he came to pick up a wide receiver for the Buckeyes with his helmet. The rehearsals, however, showed that Williams used his shoulder to grab. After the game, Husker’s coach Scott Frost said he would appeal the decision and make sure Williams would speak out against Wisconsin. Unfortunately, the Haskers will not play a tie this Saturday after their opponents have registered the appearance of the coronavirus.

In a recent interview, Ohio state coach Ryan Day expressed his sympathy for the plight of Nebraska.

Ryan Day empathizing with the current critical situation in Nebraska

According to the head coach of the Buckeyes, the Nebraska Haskers should have been able to arrange a replacement match. According to 247 Sports, the coach of the day sympathized with Haskers because the players will not show their skills this weekend. He stressed that it would be unfair if the Big Ten Nebraska prevented the planned game against Chattanooga, because everyone on the team had done everything right. Coach Day said he felt sorry for Hasker’s head coach Scott Frost. The coach from Ohio sympathised with Frost in preparing his team for Saturday’s game, but did not get the chance to reap the benefits of all the sacrifices his players and the coaching staff made.

Scott Frost and Ryan Day are polished this season

In their recent interviews, Ryan Day and Scott Frost expressed their mutual respect. After Buckeye’s victory over Nebraska 52-17 last weekend, Coach Day told reporters that he would text his colleagues to apologize for the way his team played in the last minutes of the game.

The Ohio head coach felt that his players ruined the result against the Haskers instead of getting down on their knees and finishing the game. Coach Frost, for his part, said he wasn’t bothered by the result and would focus on improving his team.

Unfortunately, Husker’s fans have to wait until the seventh race. November to see their team in action against Northwestern University.

The recent friction between the Nebraska Haskers and the Big Ten conference has led some fans to believe that the Power 5 conference has conspired against their team. After the Big Ten announced in August that they would cancel all sports events, Nebraska made no secret of the fact that she disagreed with the decision. When the Big Ten changed their previous announcement, suspicion grew when they handed the Haskers a seemingly difficult schedule. In eight games this season, Nebraska has faced five of the top 15 teams. However, the recent cancellation of their match against Wisconsin has created a new gap in their relationship with the G-10 conference.

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